The application is free BioniX wallpaper. They have thousands of free wallpapers that are absolutely free to download and print. You do not need any software in order to obtain them. It also has many different wallpapers, and this would include the Google wallpapers that can be downloaded to your computer for use with your Google Chrome browser. The nice thing about these wallpapers is that you can change them as many times as you like.
When it comes to downloading free applications, you will find that a lot of them charge money. You may think that this software is free, but the fact is that there are several advertisements on the desktop and there is also an option to view a collection of ads that you can choose from. This can really annoy some people because they think that it is more than free. It is free, but when you look at the amount of data that is being used up you may find that it is actually more than it is worth. You should try and remember that all applications are free to download, but once you download a free application there is no way to get it back.
With these free applications, the real question is how do you know that they are safe. You should try and avoid downloading applications from web sites that are not trusted. There are a lot of these and you should try and see if the developer is credible before installing any of their applications. If they are willing to provide you with a forum, you can ask for feedback from other users before making a decision on which one to download.